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RHEL 9 must use a separate file system for /var.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-257845 RHEL-09-231020 SV-257845r925522_rule Low
Ensuring that "/var" is mounted on its own partition enables the setting of more restrictive mount options. This helps protect system services such as daemons or other programs which use it. It is not uncommon for the "/var" directory to contain world-writable directories installed by other software packages.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2023-09-13


Check Text ( C-61586r925520_chk )
Verify that a separate file system/partition has been created for "/var" with the following command:

$ mount | grep /var

UUID=c274f65f-c5b5-4481-b007-bee96feb8b05 /var xfs noatime 1 2

If a separate entry for "/var" is not in use, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-61510r925521_fix)
Migrate the "/var" path onto a separate file system.